Friday, November 13, 2015

世界那么大,我却只走过那么一点点,我希望我能够踏出这个圈圈,走向一个陌生的国度,开阔另类的视野。I want to start on an adventure, to live a life full of passion.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

You say

you understand,

but you don't.

You. Really. Don't.

I should really
keep it to myself.

Never again
telling people how i feel.

Just keep it in,
make it through,
and smiling again.

All i want,
is just to be happy.
That's all it is.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hello, anybody there?
I found myself lost in the middle of nowhere and I felt terribly lonely. I find myself being weird and unusually difficult to get along with others. (Lack of communication skills, perhaps?) How does it feel to be peculiar, strange, or maybe being different? Everyone around me just seems so normal to me, and I'm the only one being so unalike. I really want to find my own kind of people out there somewhere, or is there even any? It just makes me feel so out of place. Just keep telling myself somewhere out there I might find myself a place to feel belonged. Somewhere I can feel safe and not alone. I really wish I could.
Maybe someday, I will become a whole new person that I have always wished for.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

i want to smile like others, i want to laugh like others.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

哈咯!!!!!!很久没有写写说说,说说写写了。怎么样?最近过得好吗?开场白总是脱离不了这句废话呢~~哈哈哈哈。生活呢?不过也就是一些些无奈,还有一些些纳闷,再加一些些非人性化的日常操作一样。感觉就当一台机器就好啦,反正都没差,又做不了什么决定,又无法表达自己想法的。你看!你看!生活总是那么无趣啊。最近接了一份业余工作,都快把我逼屎惹。一直熬夜啦,屁股都快和椅子融为一体了,哈哈哈(这个好笑!)。好啦,说正经的。怎么样了最近?很显咯。时不时会想想,未来到底该怎样?现实的我仍然还活在别人的操控当下,依然脱离不了,不过,感觉我的叛逆期来了*掌声*,嘻嘻 。虽然有点迟,但是总好过不来。还有待加强,叛逆的氛围再给我加强一些,骂人很好玩,乱骂人应该感觉更不错。很想快点能够摆脱现时的生活,过着自己想要的,不过还是会害怕,害怕理想的生活其实不是那么地理想。有点害怕梦想破灭,哦买噶!!算了,算了,再看怎样才来打算。祝你有美好愉快的一天哟!掰~

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Tuesday, April 14, 2015
